Nas minhas andancas pela internet,a ver desfiles e tendencias,encontrei a marca Ferragamo,que eu ja tinha gostado,muito,mas depois achei,que as roupas,estavam um pouco desatualizadas.
Mas não e que nessa nova colecção achei tudo moderno e sexy. O desfile trouxe uma mulher luxuosa,clássica e segura de si.Amei as palazzo pants[ pantalonas,bem amplas,como se fossem saia]. taambem amei os looks,branco total,o clima retro e os vestidos longos cheios de glamour!Gostei dessa reviravolta,e fiquei de olho em algumas producoes para adaptarmos para o nosso verao.
n my travels over the Internet, watching parades and trends, I found the Ferragamo brand, I've liked, too much, but then I thought, that the clothes were a little outdated.
But in this new collection ,I found it modern and sexy. The parade brought a woman luxurious, classic and safe of the palazzo pants [trousers and wide, as if they were a skirt. and i loved the looks, pure white, the retro atmosphere and glamorous gowns! I liked this twist, and I was eyeing some productions to adapt to our summer.hope you enjoy.
Mayra V
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